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AIM Qualifications Level 2 Certificate in Computing
Ref: 603/6499/3
Level 2 GLH 174 TQT 180 Age range 16+ Cost £61

Ref: 603/6499/3


Registration End Date: 30/09/2023

Certification End Date: 30/09/2026

About this qualification

This qualification is being withdrawn. The qualification will close for registrations on 30/09/2023. Learners will still have until 30/09/2026 to certificate.

This qualification is aimed at learners who may benefit from alternative approaches to curriculum and learning as the flexibility of assessment allows them to generate evidence in a range of ways.

Objectives of the qualification

This qualification provides knowledge and skills for progression, and may run parallel to GCSE provision.

Why choose this qualification

The flexible design of this qualification allows learners to obtain credits from different areas of study to allow programmes of learning to be tailored to individual learner needs before they undertake an Access to HE programme.

Included units

Learners must achieve 18 credits in total to achieve this qualification (see Qualification Specification).

Additional Info

See the Qualification Specification for more details.