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Registration and Awards

Recognised AIM centres register and award learners via our Quartz portal.

To register learners

Please login to Quartz as 'Administration Contact', select 'Actions' and then 'Register your learners here'.

Please select the relevant template from the dropdown menu, the included templates are:

  • Regulated Qualifications / Bespoke Accreditation / Quality Mark
  • Access to Higher Education
  • Retrofit

Once selected the EXCEL spreadsheet will open for you to complete.

Please save the spreadsheet to your own system. Once the spreadsheet is completed and saved, the drop-down can then be completed. In the first drop-down the programme/course needs to be selected. In the second drop-down the qualification should be selected.

Select 'Continue' (bottom right) to open the next page. Here you'll see a series of drop-downs that now need to be completed including: start date and end date for the course, the delivery site; Course Leader, Internal Verifier and External Verifier names. Once all these drop-downs have been completed the E Registration template should be uploaded.

Select 'Choose File' button and select your E-Registration template from your centre's system. Once you have completed all of the drop-downs and selected the correct file to upload, select 'submit'.
The registrations will go through on auto process for us to process.

Learner registration deadlines can be found here.


Centres claim learner achievements through the Quartz Portal via an ERAC form (Electronic Recommendation or Award of Credit). For guidance, please watch our step-by-step video: