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Q  How do I gain access to the portal?

A  Links to all AIM's portals (Quartz, XAMS, GradeTraka) can be found on our Portals page. If you don't have a login or have forgotten your login details, please email our customer experience team.

Q  Do we need to submit staff CVs for every qualification we apply for?

A  Yes, staff CVs must be submitted with every qualification application. This is because we no longer keep CVs on file to ensure GDPR compliance.

Q  How do I find my learners log in sheet for their online examination? 

A  You need to log into the XAMS website. The login sheets for the online exams are located on the XAMS platform next to the schedule there is a key symbol, this is the learner log in details.

Q  Where can I find our centre's run in the process?

A  If you have administrator access on the portal, you can go to administration and then administration, then ERAC status and you can see where the run is the line. If the run is awaiting processing, please allow ten working days. If you are still unsure, please contact our Customer Experience team.

Q  Who is my account team?

A Full contact details can be found on our Meet the team page

Q  How can I change my password?

A  Please contact our Customer Experience Team on 0333 034 8833 or email

Q  Can I get some training on the portal?

A  Webinar training is available on a regular basis. Details can be found on our training and events page. If no training is currently scheduled, 121 training can be requested by contacting our Customer Experience team.

Q  How do I apply to deliver a qualification?

A  You should apply through Quartz.

Q  What qualifications do I have approval for?

A  This information can be found in Quartz.

Q  Where do I sign up for EV roadshow?

A   To book your EV activity, please visit our EQA page for our booking form and more information.

Q  How do I add a course leader in the portal? 

A  If the course leader, who is delivering the course, does not appear in the dropdown list (when you are registering your learners on the portal), tick the ‘Add Course Leader’ box. When this box is ticked, it is mandatory that you enter their details in the boxes. This will add the new course leader to your organisation, and they will be available in your 'Course Leader' menu for selection in the future. (Note that the ‘Course Leader’ drop down menu will be unavailable when the ‘New Course Leader’ box has been ticked, as the selection has been made in an alternative manner).

How do I enquire about a published qualification exam result?

The AIM Results Enquiry Service is available for centres who wish to enquire about published qualification assessment results, normally in cases where the results vary considerably from those expected.

An enquiry may be made on behalf of one or more than one learner and is a formal written request from the centre to AIM for a review of the assessment decision relating to qualifications. A copy of the guidance notes can be downloaded from our Policies and Procedures page.