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External Quality Assurance (EQA)

External Quality Assurance (EQA)

All non-examined assessment is subject to some form of external quality assurance. Access to HE qualifications are regulated by QAA and follow a three-step moderation process. The remaining Regulated Qualifications Framework (RQF) qualifications (shown below) are regulated by Ofqual and are subject to monitoring which is dictated by the CASS strategy.

Download our qualification risk spreadsheet

EQA monitoring

All qualifications on the Regulated Qualifications Framework (RQF) are required to have monitoring as part of the CASS strategy.

Before requesting an EQA monitoring, centres should ensure they have submitted the RACs they want to present for monitoring on the Quartz portal.

Please watch our video for guidance:


Book your EQA

To request EQA monitoring, centres should complete the EQA monitoring request form below. This will be confirmed, or an alternative date offered within two working days of submission. Monitoring activity should be requested at least two weeks in advance.

Click here to download our EQA Monitoring Fact Sheet to see the steps of the EQA process.

Once the EQA monitoring has been confirmed, AIM will select a sample which centres will be able to access via Quartz. Centres will be required to upload the documentation then upload these into the EQA report on Quartz along with the relevant quality documents.

 If you have any questions, please contact the External Quality Assurance team.

EQA How to Videos

To help our centres through the EQA process, we've created a series of step-by-step video guides, guiding you through the process.

  1. How to request EQA monitoring
  2. Required documents for EQA monitoring
  3. How to access your sampling documents
  4. How to upload documents for EQA monitoring
  5. How to view your EQA report

EV Activity booking form