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AIM Awards Gains Low Risk QAA Rating

AIM Awards is delighted to announce that in our recent QAA review of our Access to HE Licence provision, we have been rated low risk. We were also commended for our good practice and we are very proud of our team for ensuring the continued excellent performance of the AVA.

The full review can be viewed by on the QAA website here

In other Access to HE news, it’s been a fantastic launch for our bespoke online system Gradetraka. We’re very happy to see the majority of our Access providers using Gradetraka so early after its launch and some of the feedback we’ve received so far has shown us just how helpful our new online tool has been for our providers.

Rachel Hunn from Boston College said “The AIM Awards’ investment in Gradetraka for Access to HE providers as an assessment and grading capture tool has proved to be highly effective and has made a huge difference in reducing administrative time required. We run six different Access discrete Diplomas and Gradetraka has proved easy to navigate by all teaching staff of varying IT competencies and the streamlined system allows you to easily log and amend grades, plus may be accessed either at work or at home… well anywhere online.  The format is very well-structured and transparent and if shared with learners it ensures that they are very clear about what they have achieved at different stages within the academic year and how close they are to meeting their university course offers. The reduction in time needed at the end of the academic year when claiming credits and certification is just amazing. We now firmly believe that with Gradetraka established, the administrative systems are just as outstanding as the levels of organisation and support consistently received by all staff at AIM Awards.”

We’re really pleased with this great news and hope to grow our Access to HE provision even further with new and current providers in 2015.

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