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Qualifications news

Post 16 qualification reform

Many centres will be aware the Department for Education (DfE) has announced changes, made by the Labour government, to the previous government’s reform programme. The intention is to continue with the development of new reform qualifications. The changes have currently only been about Level 3 and on centre defunding. The major changes are:  

  • Level 3 qualifications which overlap with T levels will not be defunded
  • Learners can take more than one small Alternative Academic Qualification (AAQ)

This is good news for us at AIM as we have been working hard on a post-16 reform qualification in Games, Animation and VFX. We are also considering the possibility of a small AAQ in this area, possibly around 3D Animation.

If you are interested in this type of qualification, please send in your expression of interest to as we have to evidence centre support in any new developments.



Qualification review

There were no changes announced by the DfE to Level 2 or foundation learning, so we are waiting for these. We do however have 138 qualifications which are due to be reviewed in 2025. Some of these are already being re-developed as reformed qualifications. There is however a large number of foundation level qualifications due to be reviewed.

We have not had any information about the consultation on employability and personal, social development at this level as yet either. We will, however, be starting to review these qualifications so that we know what you want from them and what we may be able to change to suit your learners better. We will therefore be starting to consult on this area and are looking to run some focus groups around May.

Further information will be sent out in due course, however if you would like to be part of these focus groups please email



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