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New EPA standards coming soon!

We are pleased to announce that we have exciting plans to expand the number of standards we assess.

Over the coming months we will be introducing a range of new standards that complement our existing portfolio and expand our offer withing the creative, cultural and digital technologies industries.

Spring 2024

Public Relations and Communications Assistant - Level 4

This occupation is found in organisations that come from the public, private and third sectors with the apprentice working on building, protecting, and maintaining of positive reputation for brands, organisations, and individuals. The role also concerns the way those brands, organisations and individuals communicate about themselves, their products, or their services with a range of audiences, via different methods. 

IfATE Occupational Standard

Creative Industries Production Technician – Level 3

This occupation is found in creative settings ranging from screen production studios, outside locations, entertainment venues and theatres, to organisations that provide technical solutions for the setup of live, recorded and streamed events. Production technicians work in three main roles; as creative venue technicians, live event technicians or screen lighting technicians. The roles can be venue-based or they can be mobile; working across a variety of sites and environments. 

IfATE Occupational Standard

Photographer – Level 4

This occupation is found in multiple sectors including government, scientific, crime, social, commercial, cultural heritage, media, journalism and advertising. A large proportion of photographers are freelance or self-employed, operating their studio or supplying multiple clients. They are to be found across England and the UK producing a range of work for clients across subject areas including wedding or portrait photography. 

IfATE Occupational Standard

Summer 2024

Multi-Channel Marketer – Level 3

This occupation is found in various-sized organisations within a range of industries such as construction, automotive, and retail or can be an external agency providing marketing deliverables and advice to external clients. Multi-channel marketers deliver marketing activities to drive that business through various media and platforms. They may also spend time attending exhibitions and events, meetings with external marketing suppliers, and marketing research suppliers, visiting clients, trade shows, or supporting research activities.

IfATE Occupational Standard

Junior Visual Effects - VFX artist or ATD– Level 4

This occupation operates across both British and International visual effects (VFX) industries, providing digital content for film, television, advertising, and corporate and immersive reality industries. The output and remit of a VFX artist are varied, and they will produce work for a range of clients across advertising, film, television, and immersive reality. Some artists specialise in one area, particularly feature films which is the largest area of the industry. 

IfATE Occupational Standard

Operations departmental manager – Level 5

The role of an operations or departmental manager is someone who manages teams and/or projects and achieves operational or departmental goals and objectives, as part of the delivery of the organisation's strategy. They are accountable to a more senior manager or business owner. Working in the private, public or third sector and all sizes of organisation, specific responsibilities and job titles will vary, but the knowledge, skills and behaviours needed may include creating and delivering operational plans, managing projects, leading and managing teams, managing change, financial and resource management, talent management, coaching and mentoring.

IfATE Occupational Standard

Autumn 2024

Associate Project Manager – Level 4

Currently in revision - Assessment plan TBC

Winter 2024

VFX Supervisor – Level 7

This occupation is found in visual effects (VFX) industries, both British and International, providing computer-generated (CG) digital content for film, television, advertising, games, corporate and immersive reality industries. VFX is the term used to describe any imagery created, altered, or enhanced for moving media. They involve the integration of live-action footage and CG imagery to create images, which look realistic but would be dangerous, costly, or simply impossible to capture during live-action shooting. 

IfATE Occupational Standard

Digital Learning Designer - Level 5

Digital learning designers are experts in adult learning and have specialist skills in educational technologies. They design and develop a range of products and initiatives, such as online courses, interactive multimedia, and virtual simulations, to address a wide range of educational and business needs. This occupation is found in organisations of any size or sector where there is either an internal need or where digital learning services are part of their business outputs.

IfATE Occupational Standard

If you are interested in working with us on any of the above standards, contact our business development team.

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