AIMing high with a great customer experience
4 April 2023
"Hello this is AIM Qualifications and Assessment Group, how can we help you?"
At AIM, we are committed to providing exceptional customer service and support to all our customers. Whether you are an existing centre seeking support or a prospective customer looking for a reliable awarding organisation - we are here to help!
Our Customer Experience Directorate is the team behind the scenes making it all happen. Here’s Director, Michelle Stevenson, who leads the directorate and has worked with AIM and its previous identities for over 19 years, shining a spotlight on the teams involved.
Our Customer Experience Team is headed up by Head of Customer Experience, Jo Rowbotham, who has over 20 years of experience in operations and customer service.
"Having been with the organisation for nearly 20 years I am proud to work for an organisation that puts the learners first. As the Head of Customer Service we strive towards excellent customer service, and will be working to support our centres over the coming months to ensure that learners are registered and awarded and receive their certificates as soon as possible and all queries all dealt with in a timely manner."
Jo Rowbotham
Our front-of-house team consists of our customer experience advisers, also known as CEAs. Makesh, Claire J, Claire M, Mychelle, Anne-Marie, Billy and Jon are available to answer any questions you may have over the phone or through email. The CEAs are led by Customer Experience Manager Selina Carreno, who has been with AIM for over five years and has had a long career in customer service. This team is responsible for processing learner registrations, generating learner achievements, printing certificates, and providing support for any customer enquiries. Each CEA has responsibility for a portfolio of centres and forms an account team with our Centre Leads.
"I love working at AIM with my friendly, fun and hard working team. We are all passionate about looking after our customers and work well together to give our customers a good experience. My favourite part of the job is that no 2 days are the same, every day has different queries and different priorities."
Selina Carreno
In addition, our IT and MIS team is composed of Ian and Keith, who have extensive experience working for an awarding organisation. They are on hand to make sure our IT equipment and management information systems operate as they should and support staff and customers to resolve any system gremlins or to create data reports.
Also within the customer experience directorate is our Qualification and Assessment Development team, headed up by Kim Underhill who has had a long career working for awarding organisations. This team is responsible for the development and maintenance of AIM’s extensive portfolio of qualifications along with the design and delivery of external assessments that accompany some of our qualifications. Qualification and Assessment Developers, Lindsey, Hayley and Lisa are currently concentrating on the redevelopment of a number of qualifications as part of the Post 16 Reform whilst our Qualifications Officer, Latitia is tidying up our portfolio by withdrawing any unused qualifications. Our Assessment Manager, Jenner along with our Assessment Coordinator, Moira are currently organising the marking of the recent Level 3 Diploma in Games, Animation and VFX examinations.
We are a very busy directorate, but we are always here to listen to your feedback, suggestions, and concerns, and we are committed to using your feedback to continuously improve your experience with AIM. If you’d like to talk to me about your experience working with AIM please email me