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The North East England Development Team

Aiming to make a difference

The AIM Group exists to create opportunities for learners of all ages.  As a registered charity wemap of the North East of England aim to support those who are either furthest away from the labour market or to facilitate improved employability and/or career development. AIM understands the important role it plays in supporting the country and its communities so that economies can grow and communities flourish.  AIM works strategically to focus its resources wherever it can achieve maximum impact for learners.

Why the North East?

The latest Government statistics show that North East England is one of the UK’s fastest growing economies. The region’s IT and digital sector are estimated to be worth £2bn to the North East England economy and innovators such as FTSE 100 management accountancy firm Sage, Zerolight and global giant Hewlett-Packard all call North East England home in a buzzing digital sector.

The life sciences and healthcare sector is powered by pharmaceutical giants and innovative R&D companies who are supported by a strong eco-system of academia, support networks and specialist facilities.

Advanced manufacturing excels in North East England, with automotive and rail OEMs choosing to locate their operations base in the region.  World-leading research and development into low carbon and electric vehicles has positioned the region as a world-leader in electrification and business Services is one of the top sectors employing more than 130,000 people in Finance, Professional and Business Services.

AIM boasts a huge portfolio of regulated and non-regulated products and services that align with skills requirements across the North East. The AIM Group is able to largely replicate the non-regulated offer across the region that providers previously enjoyed from One Awards and it is also able to offer Access to Higher Education where providers select one of the Access Validating Licences available from within the AIM Group. AIM has established an office in the North-East and is committed to enhancing the education and training landscape across the region.

AIM and the North East

AIM has appointed Fabienne Bailey, the former Managing Director of One Awards, to lead the North East development team to strengthen AIM’s position in this part of the country . “There are massive opportunities to support employers in the North East to develop and grow their companies” said Fabienne. “We will be continuing to build on the great relationships we have established with colleges, training providers and employers and we’re really looking forward to working with our new colleagues at AIM”. Fabienne is joined by Stuart Welsh, who will continue to support employers and training providers looking for bespoke accreditation and quality assurance services.

AIM Group CEO Kevern Kerswell said “We are excited to welcome Fabienne and the team to AIM and to enhancing our reach into this growing and thriving economy. In addition to Fabienne and Stuart we are also delighted that John Earland and Angela Coull have joined our Access teams and that they will continue to be based in the North-East. The potential is huge and we are excited to deliver even more for learners.” 

Further information

AIM has established an office in the North-East and is committed to enhancing the education and training landscape across the region. Pop in to see us or contact Fabienne and Stuart directly on and

Address: 23 Manor Way, Belasis Business Park, Billingham TS23 4HN

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