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AIM centres can attract more students by delivering free level 3 qualifications in counselling and youth work practice

Many unemployed adults without a level 3 qualification can now access fully funded free level 3 qualifications through the National Skills Fund which supports adults wanting to improve their career prospects through training.

AIM currently offers two qualifications which are supported by this initiative, and we are encouraging any centre to contact us if they would like to add these qualifications to their portfolio.

Benefits to centres

  • Funding for the free level 3 qualifications will be routed via Mayoral Combined Authorities and the Greater London Authority for residents in those areas of England
  • Funding for the free level 3 qualifications for residents in all other areas of England will be routed via the Adult Education Budget and administered by the Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA).
  • The qualifications will deliver skills in key sectors to match local labour market needs
  • The Government has provided an uplift of up to £600 per qualification (Guided Learning Hours dependant) delivered as part of this offer to support providers to scale up the delivery of their level 3 provision for adults.
  • There’s an opportunity to complement the level 3 adult offer via Skills Bootcamps - a free, flexible course of up to 16 weeks that gives people the opportunity to build up sector-specific skills and fast-track to an interview with a local employer.

Find out more about delivering these qualifications

Existing AIM centres should contact our Business Development team
New to AIM? - Find out how to become an approved AIM Centre

Unemployed adults

Adults interested in taking up a place on a level three course should check the government website to find a local training provider. A full list of all the free level 3 qualifications covered by this initiative can be found on the government website.

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