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Access to HE Diploma (Animal Science) launched

AIM announces its latest Access to Higher Education Qualification

The Access to HE Diploma (Animal Science) is the latest qualification to be developed by AIM, in conjunction with a number of HEIs. This latest diploma is aimed at students wanting to gain the skills and knowledge to access undergraduate degrees within the animal science industries.

Maxine Park from Weston College said: “I manage two provisions, Access to HE and Animal Management within Weston College and have always been keen to bring the two together. The Animal Management provision is mostly 16 – 18 year olds, but we often have enquiries from adults who want to work in professions ranging from welfare to zoology and in the past they have studied a science based course, but not one which is specifically tailored to their interests and aspirations. This year we have been very fortunate that the College has built a bespoke Animal Management campus within Puxton Park, a leading zoo farm tourist attraction and now we have this wonderful facility the time is right to offer adults the same opportunity a 16 – 18 year old to study a specialist animal science qualification that will enable them to progress to their degree of choice.

“The aniFront cover of handbookmal related Access diplomas which were already offered by exam boards did not provide the content for the range of degrees our students want to progress to, so having enjoyed a supportive working relationship with AIM Qualifications for several years, it was easy to approach them with the idea of developing an animal science related diploma. AIM acted quickly in meeting with me and in mapping out the initial ideas, but they have also allowed me the freedom to develop the content to meet learners’ needs. They have organised the validation and even helped to engage universities to support the validation process. It has been a pleasure to develop this diploma and we are looking forward to our first cohort starting in September.”

This specialist diploma will give students an understanding of the functions of the animal body, and diseases and treatments. Students will study a series of graded units in animal science, animal management, biology, geography and environmental science.

Ungraded units in academic writing, research and referencing will help to provide the underpinning skills necessary for progression to higher education.

The Access to HE Diploma is eligible for funding by the Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA) for students aged between 19 and 23 who meet the eligibility criteria and via the Advanced Learner Loan for those aged 19 and above who do not meet the ESFA criteria.*

The Access to HE Diploma (Animal Science) is available for delivery from 1 August 2020. Centres interested in offering this qualification should contact Existing AIM centres should complete the QAF on the AIM website.


* Colleges and/or private training providers in England and Wales.

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