Counselling Qualifications - Extension 2018-2019
17 April 2018
We are pleased to announce that the AIM Awards Suite of Counselling qualifications have been extended for the 2018/2019 academic year.
How do I apply to offer these qualifications?
If you would like to offer these qualifications, please complete our simple online approval process on the individual qualification page (here). Once you have selected 'Add to Basket', we will ask you to complete some more information. You may either complete this request as a 'Guest', or log in using your centre details where your centre information will be pre-filled.
Once this request has been submitted, your AIM Awards Customer Support Officer will review this application and you will receive an email confirmation from us when your qualification request has been approved.
You can then register your learners and track certification using the AIM Awards Portal. Please contact your AIM Awards Customer Support Officer for guidance on using this.