Your Questions Answered on the RQF
22 February 2017
What is the RQF?
In September 2015, Ofqual introduced the new Regulated Qualification Framework (RQF) which aims to provide a single, simple system for cataloguing all qualifications regulated by Ofqual. The RQF replaces the Qualifications and Credit Framework (QCF) where most of our products sit.
How does this affect AIM Awards Qualifications?
As an Awarding Organisation regulated by Ofqual, we must make a few changes to our QCF qualifications to remain compliant. We must remove references to ‘QCF’ in our qualification titles and documentation and we must also introduce Total Qualification Time (TQT) for every qualification. TQT is the number of notional hours it takes an average learner to achieve the qualification and is made up of two elements:
- the number of Guided Learning Hours (GLH) - the number of Tutor-led contact hours
- the number of hours spent on preparation, studying and the assessment that is non- guided
We have taken this opportunity to improve our offer to better reflect the purpose of our products.
Take a look at our website page for further information on our new RQF products, our new brands, and what our qualifications will look like.
When will the QCF Qualifications withdrawn from new learner registrations?
Existing AIM Awards QCF qualifications will remain live until 30th November 2017, where we will no longer accept new learner registrations. Any learners already registered on QCF qualifications will have until 30th November 2020 to make successful claims and be certificated.
Replacement RQF Qualifications will be available over the next few months.
Will you be changing all AIM Awards qualifications?
All AIM Awards qualifications will undergo a review over the next few months, where centres offering the qualifications will be contacted for feedback.
If qualifications are found valid and fit for purpose with no issues identified, AIM Awards will simply extend the review date of these qualifications. AIM Awards will calculate a TQT value (see information on TQT above), remove any reference to QCF and transfer any documentation over to new AIM Awards branding. These qualifications will have the same Qualification Number (QAN).
Where qualifications are found to require amendments, AIM Awards will update/amend these qualifications and will inform centres of any new content, assessment and Qualification Numbers.
Centres will be required to transfer their provision to these new qualifications (including replacing any qualification information and documentation) by 30th November 2017.
If my centre already has Qualification Approval for a QCF qualification, will we automatically have approval for the new replacement RQF qualification?
Yes, your AIM Awards Customer Support Officer will create new courses and will inform you of your new Course IDs.
If my centre has Direct Claims Status for a QCF qualification, will this automatically be transferred to the new replacement RQF qualification?
Yes, your AIM Awards Customer Support Officer will transfer the Approved Internal Verifier to the new RQF Course.
Will public funding be automatically transferred to the new RQF qualifications?
We will work closely with funding bodies to ensure the new RQF qualifications are available for public funding. If qualifications are simply extended, the funding may also be extended.
Are our current methods of assessment still valid for the new RQF qualifications?
Yes, the principles of assessing and verifying AIM Awards qualifications remain the same.
We have published ‘A Guide to Assessing AIM Awards Qualifications’, which details our expectations on assessment. We will also publish clear assessment guidance in the individual Qualification Handbooks.
Will you still provide Record of Learner Achievement Forms to use?
Yes, these will be available to download on the AIM Awards website under each qualification.
Can I transfer my learners from a QCF qualification to the new replacement RQF qualification?
Yes, there will be no additional registration fees. Please provide your AIM Awards Customer Support Officer with these details.
If you wish to trasnsfer any credits/learning from a QCF qualification to the new replacement RQF qualification, please follow the AIM Awards RPL and Credit Transfer Policy. Please note, this is only available for equivalent content. Your centre will be informed of any equivalences during your transfer.
How do I apply to offer any new RQF qualifications?
You may apply to offer the new RQF qualifications using the AIM Awards website. These new RQF qualifications can be found under the Qualification Search tool at the top of the page and under ‘New RQF Qualifications’. Centres can apply to offer the qualifications under the ‘Centre Information’ tab. Please note, unit details are available in the Qualification Handbooks only (no individual PDFs are available). However, downloadable Record of Learner Achievement Forms are still available.
How do I access the Learner Guides for new RQF qualifications?
We have provided Learner Guides for our new RQF qualifications, aimed at learners, detailing information on the qualification they are undertaking; the content of the qualification, how they will assessed, what the qualification could lead to and any additional information to help them successfully achieve. These are available to download on the individual qualification pages (as described above) under 'Learner Information'.
Do you have any promotional/information material we can provide for our learners?
Yes, please contact your AIM Awards Customer Support Officer with your requests.