New Units Added to the Suite of Skills for Employment and Further Learning (SEFL) (QCF) Qualifications
13 February 2017
We are pleased to announce that a new bank of units have been added to the AIM Awards Suite of Skills for Employment and Further Learning (SEFL) (QCF) qualifications and are available for centres. Details of these units can be found in the bulletin here.
I would like to add a SEFL unit(s) into one of my existing SEFL courses:
If you would like to add any SEFL unit(s) into an existing SEFL course, please complete a Course Amendment Form (available here) and email this to your Customer Support Officer or to
Your Customer Support Officer will contact you within 10 working days.
I would like to create a new SEFL course with SEFL units:
If you would like to offer a new SEFL course, please read our Qualification Approval guidance here.
I am not currently an AIM Awards centre and would like to offer AIM Awards qualifications:
To offer AIM Awards qualifications, you will need to become an AIM Awards approved centre. Please read our guidance on Centre Recognition here.
And remember, if you would like to talk to a member of the team please contact us on 01332 341822 or