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New Qualification: Bio-Hazards Cleaning

We are pleased to announce the launch of the AIM Awards Level 2 Award in Bio-Hazards Cleaning qualification. A summary of this qualification, assessment and charges are shown below. The full qualification details can be found here.

If you have any questions about this qualification, please do not hesitate to contact a member of the team on 01332 341822.

Qualification Summary

This qualification provides learners with the practical knowledge of cleaning up trauma scenes, and is primarily aimed at staff working in the police, prison service, NHS, local authorities or for an independent cleaning company. Trauma scenes can include crime scenes, detention areas, residential properties, police and prison cells. This qualification covers the preparation for and undertaking of cleaning trauma scenes where the learner will be able to clean bodily fluids and remove hazardous items such as sharps and items contaminated by bodily fluids. The qualification also covers preparing to segregate and remove waste from a trauma scene, where the learner will be able to handle clinical waste and understand the factors that make handling clinical waste high risk. The safe use and disposal of PPE and hazardous items are also covered.

How is this qualification assessed?

Learners must achieve the 2 mandatory units; Prepare and Remove Hazardous Items at a Trauma Scene and Prepare, Clean and Dispose of Bodily Fluids at a Trauma Scene. This qualifications is assessed through an internally assessed and externally verified portfolio of evidence. We have worked with specialists to develop a free and optional assessment resource pack for this qualification (found here). AIM Awards centres may use this pack as evidence to successfully achieve this qualification.

Are there any centre specialist requirements to deliver this qualification?

This qualification is available for learners aged 16+ only. Centres must provide learners with sufficient physical resource to be able to complete the specified tasks (simulated working environments are acceptable provided learners have sufficient space to undertake the task).

We also require that Assessors and Internal Verifiers be occupationally competent or technically knowledgeable in the area for which they are delivering training and/or have experience of providing training.

Qualification Charges

The registration fee per learner for this qualification is £16. This includes registration, support, external verification and certification.

How do I apply to offer this qualification?

If you would like to offer this qualification, please complete our simple online approval process here. Once you have selected 'Add to Basket', we will ask you to complete some more information. You may either complete this request as a 'Guest', or log in using your centre details where your centre information will be pre-filled. Once this request has been submitted, your AIM Awards Administration Contact will review this application and you will receive an email confirmation from us when your qualification request has been approved.

You can then register your learners and track certification using the AIM Awards Portal. Please contact your AIM Awards Administration Contact for guidance on using this.

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