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Access to HE

Transition and surrender of AVA licences

Following the merger of the two organisations; Open College Network West Midlands and AIM Qualifications and Assessment Group on 1 September 2022, the organisations have operated as two separate Access Validating Agencies (AVAs). On 31 July 2023 the Open College Network West Midlands’ licence was surrendered and Open College Network West Midlands’ Access to HE providers were transferred to the AIM Qualifications and Assessment Group AVA license.

Who is this information for?

This page is intended for current Open College Network West Midlands’ providers delivering Access to HE Diplomas along with their Access to HE learners. 

AIM Qualifications and Assessment Group providers delivering AIM Qualifications and Assessment Group Access to HE Diplomas do not need to take any action during this transition.

Information for Access to HE Centres

As we bring together two processes and portfolios, we are taking the opportunity to make improvements to the way we work. These changes are summarised in these two live documents, sent to providers (by email) on Friday 14 April 2023: 

  • Provider guidance AVA licence changes for Open College Network West Midlands providers (V1. 14.4.23)
  • Provider guidance AVA licence changes for AIM Qualifications and Assessment Group providers (V1. 14.4.23)

Please review the information in the provider guidance documents and all AIM Qualifications and Assessment Group’s policies and procedures so that you can adjust your provider’s procedures, as needed, before 31 July 2023.

Information for Access to HE learners

As a learner on an Open College Network West Midlands Access to HE Diploma or AIM Qualifications and Assessment Group Access to HE Diploma, your provider may have made you aware of a number of changes that may affect your Diploma. 

It is important to know that these changes do not affect the value of your Diploma. It can still be used to access entry to university or higher education and UCAS points remain the same.

The changes are purely a reflection of the changes to the Access Validating Agency (AVA) who are responsible for creating and quality checking the development and delivery of your Diploma.

Learners on AIM Qualifications and Assessment Group Access to HE Diplomas

Any learner currently on, or about to start on, an AIM Qualifications and Assessment Access to HE Diploma is not affected by these changes. If having read this information you still have questions, please contact your course tutor or email

Learners on the Open College Network West Midland’s Access to HE Diploma

Open College Network West Midlands, the current AVA for your Diploma will be replaced by AIM Qualifications and Assessment Group on 1 August 2023.

Some learners may notice a change to the logos appearing on their certificates and in Diploma titles. The following FAQs should help to answer your questions. If having read this information you still have questions, please contact your course tutor or email

Click here to view our FAQs page.